Thursday, November 20, 2008
My hiatus....
Saturday, September 13, 2008
August 28th...
Friday, September 12, 2008
August 25th...
The poor girl! She was not happy! Though I must add, it was HER idea to take the pictures, I had left my camera at home, so that I wouldn't embarrass her...
She asked to have her teeth, and they were able to dig out her top ones out of the garbage, but her bottom ones were in too many pieces.
She was in quite a bit of pain for several days after the surgery, but things are better now for the most part!
Oh, and on a side note, she doesn't remember saying anything about the room being gray or being intoxicated! But she does remember the anesthetist and her chatting! TOO FUNNY!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Do you ever...
I just really wish I could sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008
It makes me sad because this is the only year I'll be off on mat leave, and all the kids will still be at home.
However, we are counting down the days until his surgery, and then a month later, he and I are off to the Kansas Motor Speedway for a Nascar race!
11 days to go...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I got this great idea from an online class through My Scrap Shoppe, for a summer journal. The idea came from a mother who wanted her kids to continue writing (and thinking) over the summer, so she made them each a journal to record their days. Well, I thought it was a great idea, and made one for myself. Then I got the kids (Brett and Khai) to pick patterned paper themselves, and we sat down one Sunday afternoon to make them. I had materials ready for Justin, because I wasn't sure if he wanted to do it or not, but I wanted to be prepared in case he did. We sat down to make them, and asked him if he wanted to or not, and he said yes!! I couldn't believe it, my almost 17 year old sat for 2 and a half hours to make a summer journal, and he has actually been using it! Kelsey was away camping that day, so I made one for her, and I am now making one for Declan as well as my nieces and nephew. Once I'm hooked on a minibook, I'm hooked!
And those are just 4 of them!
A great project to do together, plus we spend some time together every day writing in them...well Khai and Brett and I do...Kelsey and Justin pretty much do their own =) We also went to the Winkler Aquatic Centre this past week! I have NEVER had so much fun with the kids! We had such a great time, it was incredible.
There were also two family birthdays, Brett who turned 11, and Khai who turned 4. Like I said, there were some great joys this past month!
More later this week...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I forget which three...
So, the next time someone asks me how many kids I have, I am going to respond the same way I always do, I have five. If they push it, I will borrow a line I recently read and say yes, I have three step kids...but I forget which three.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Granny and Pops
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
So, it's been awhile....
A couple weekends ago, I took the kids to the WonderShows carnival, which my generous sister got us free tickets to.
And here are Brett and Khai enjoying bumper cars. May I just say that my heart swells with pride when I see this picture! Brett let Khai sit in the drivers seat and helped him steer. He is such an awesome big brother!
These are from way up in the sky, on the ferris wheel! That was probably my favorite, especially when we were stopped halfway down, and Khai says ,"Now, how are we going to get down from THIS?" I almost peed myself laughing =)
It's been so wonderful just being a mom! Getting to know my kids as they change each day, is truly an awesome experience. I feel so honored to be a part of each of their lives. Seeing them everyday, makes my days better, even when they are fighting with each other, with us, or even with themselves, they are each a gift from God, and I love each of them dearly.
On another note, we just found out that Helmut has to have surgery on his back. It's very scary for me, even though I won't tell him that...he would only worry more, knowing that I am worried. I've read all about the surgery on the Mayo Clinic's web site...very helpful stuff I might add...but there are sometimes when having more information, simply doesn't relieve the anxiety. So, I come again, as I do so often, to the feet of my Lord, and I ask for Him to take these burdens, because only He can.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Zippered it up myself
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Soccer Boy
Monday, April 28, 2008
On the mend
Home. It's such a wonderful word. It's not something I've really had since I was at home with my parents. I, of course, made a home for myself and Khai, but it was never really complete. With Helmut and the kids, everything feels whole.
Home. Love. Thank the Lord for our home.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
...and it has run rampant through our house!
I'll write more when I feel better...right now, I'm off to get some tea.
Sweet dreams all!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
To Love Like I've Never Loved Before
I said yes.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Can you say MIGRAINE?
My grandma is in town from Thunder Bay, so we headed over to my uncle's to visit her this evening. This is the first time she has met Declan, so it was nice for her to finally get to meet him.
In any case, I am glad this day is almost over for me, and I am heading off to bed. Sweet dreams all!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Kids say the Darndest things!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Swimming Lessons

He wanted to jump in the pool before lessons even started. It was a wonderful day.
He and I have started walking to what he calls the "cookie store" everyday. It's actually the Sobeys that's just down the street from us, but they give him a free cookie each time, and that's what he remembers...
It's nice to be able to get out into the sunshine every day and finally not feel lethargic!
I love spring!
For the first time today, Declan laughed out loud! Apparently he is ticklish! How sweet! It is a wonderful little laugh...take a look!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Happy 43rd Birthday Helmut!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Long Walk Home

Today, we watched her presentation. From the moment she opened her mouth, I was bawling. You have to understand. Michelle lives her life as though she was not given tear glands. She never cries, but today, she cried most of the way through her presentation. It was terribly sad to hear her tell the stories that my Aunt and Uncle's had recounted to her....Auntie Marlene and Uncle Ted had already bought Grandpa an ash tray for Christmas...Dad was shovelling the snow from the driveway so that Grandpa could park his car there when he got home from work...Grandma was doing some sewing as she waited for her husband to come home from work. Stories about the day he died, and other stories, from his life that I've never heard, about a man I never had the chance to know.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sign Up Day...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
These days, getting out of bed seems harder and harder to do! I thank God everyday that He's given me enough sense to know that I have to get up for my kids! I don't think I would have the strength to do it otherwise, of course, I wouldn't be so tired if I wasn't for them; vicious circle!
My patience often wears out when I'm this tired. But kids are amazing aren't they? I can be at the end of my proverbial rope, when Brett will tell me that he has a new password for logging onto the computer. At first, I get upset, because he's not supposed to have a password, then he tells me that the password is "ilovekhai" and my heart melts. Or Khai, who tried my patience when we were getting Brett's skates sharpened today. He wanders around Play-it-Again Sports, looking at every piece of hockey equipment, telling me that we need to buy it, no, not for himself, but for Declan...who is three months old. When I tell him he's too small, that he can't even walk yet, he tells me that, "it's for when he's bigger Mummy!" or, "Maybe Bretty would like it Mum, don't you think he'd like it?" Not once did he ask for anything for himself.
Then there is Justin, who couldn't sleep for two days because he was so worried about his girlfriend in the hospital. Or Kelsey, who bought everyone a treat from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory...just because.
and all of a sudden, I'm not tired anymore.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Best Friends...
Kids, Kids, Kids!