The last time I was of the guys even turned off his music that he had playing loudly from his car because it had explicit lyrics! I totally appreciate kids like that!!
Anyway...this is dekkie doo! He was sliding backwards down one of the ramp things, and he said,"WHEEEEEE, WHEEEEE!" the whole way down. It was hilarious! He's starting to imitate our speech more and more and it's wonderful to hear!

I love you Brett!!

Dekkie's attempt at sk8ing. too cute!
Khai *scootering*. That's his favourite word right now..."mummy, i was scootering and i...

Khai loved every second of the skate park. He loves being with his big brother and big cousin. He loves learning new tricks, and Brett has been so patient teaching him how to do stuff. While we were waiting for my sister in law to come and get us, Brett was trying to teach Khai how to jump over the fun box! It was too funny. I wish I had that on video tape!!! They were jumping off the deck over the funbox standing on it's side. Khai would stop everytime he got to the edge of the deck...losing all his momentum. HA! Hilarious.
Oh this one...he climbed up and down those stairs! He loves being outside SO much.
Oh this one...he climbed up and down those stairs! He loves being outside SO much.

Days like these make me happy. I love seeing my kids enjoy themselves, I love being able to participate.
I love you all!
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