Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It all seems to happen at once, doesn't it?

Tomorrow, I head back to work.  Tomorrow, the kids go back to school. Tomorrow is Justin's first day back at university.  Last Thursday, our basement flooded.  Last weekend, Helmut was so sick, he actually stayed in bed for most of 2 days.  Last week was VBS at church.  The weather has changed.  The leaves are falling.  Declan is in daycare.  We've taken down our pool.

It's been a crazy last couple of week since I posted.  Things haven't stopped moving and happening around here.  I feel as though I've had no time to prepare for going back to work.  There were so many things I wanted to do before then. 

But, tomorrow is upon me, and I feel excited, nervous and sad all at the same time. 
I don't think I even really shared how this whole going back to work thing is going to work, did I?

Well, this is how it will work.  Helmut will leave to get Declan to daycare by 7:30.  I will stay at home and walk/drive Khai and Brett to school.  When they go into the school, I will go to work.  In the afternoon, depending on who is busier or whether Helmut is needed at the office, one of us will leave at 2:30 (most likely Helmut) to go get the boys from school, and I will stay til 4:30 and pick up Declan and head home. 

It works out so nicely in theory...the true test will be tomorrow when we actually try it!

I promise to blog first day of school pictures tomorrow and a first day back at work report!

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