Thursday, November 12, 2009

No Focus...

Have you ever had so many things that you want and need to get done, and you can't figure out a good way to organize your brain and find order to them?
I'm feeling like that right now.  I've started several projects for the kids for Christmas, and (as per usual) have gone overboard.  Not on the amount of things I've started, but for the amount of people I'm giving them to.  I did a post last Thursday on the MSS blog about the 12 Days of Christmas.  Something I do for my kids where they get a handmade gift on 12 random days in December.  Well, this year, I have included the older two's boyfriend and girlfriend (and if you're reading'd better not break up before Christmas :) ) and my nieces and nephew.  I'm not sure how it happened.  And I'm not sorry that I'm doing it.  I just have a million other things to do as well. 

So, while I'm sitting here trying to focus...check out my post today on the MSS blog and leave a comment there for a chance to win a giveaway from me!


mich said...

what about your favorite sister?

nicole said...

First of all, you are both my favourite sisters, second of all did you not read the part about how stressed I am?!????

So no. You are not included.

senovia said...

Wow! I'm looking forward to seeing what you're creating! I felt like that the past few days, so I called in sick today and got lots done. :) Good luck!

Nicky from Shimelle's class.

Tammy said...

How do you have time for a give-a-way with that list. You remind me of me. I have 11 children, all their spouses and 16 grandchildren to get gifts ready for. I feel your pain. Good luck on the list and focusing.