Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm organizing.

now. to men (namely my husband) organizing is the same thing as cleaning. i am here to tell is NOT.  my basement (my main space for creativitiy) has looked like a disaster area for the last couple months.  I don't even know what just got messy and stayed that way.  my scrap stuff, my sewing stuff, my crochet stuff and my embroidery stuff have all ended up upstairs (in rather organized piles...even if I do say so myself) but the time has come for all of my crafting paraphenalia to end up in it's rightful home.
so. as i sit here taking a break from the organizing, and look doesn't look a lot cleaner than it did and hour ago, but it sure is a lot more organized. and that feels good.
my hope for this evening, is that cleanliness and organization will come together as one and I will have my scrap space back.
i just wish i could find those stinking pictures. (insert rolling eyes emoticon here)

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