Friday, January 8, 2010

Down time.

I started this little camera case today while Khai was at a playdate this afternoon (and Declan was napping).  Worked on it some more while watching Brett at a basketball tournament; and completed it at home while watching "Murder, She Wrote" (yes.  I watch that show.  every day.)

It's all crocheted (front and back) and has no lining inside.  What you see here in the picture is pretty much it!

What do you think?


Kim said...

Very cute...add a little strap and it's a cute little purse. I will ask the question...did you use a pattern? Likely not, just asking cause it is so cute (looks like something I could make...)

nicole said...

nope. no pattern, but it's basically a rectangle folded in half (sewn together on the sides) and then I joined the pink onto the top, did 4 rows of double crochet (I think) and then three large scallops.

I can show you if you want to come over sometime!

mich said...

yes, you do watch that show everyday and if you miss it (or people are talking and you can't hear it) you PVR it. just thought people should know the truth! don't you love me? lol.