Friday, October 22, 2010

The Perfect Marriage Tool

I have to admit, I am completely enamoured with the chalkboard thought bubble.  I decided, after using it for our photo session, to take it over to our friend's place for the evening.   We get together every once in awhile to watch Nascar (well, Brad and Helmut watch Nascar, Nichole and I chat and eat!) and, as it turns out, the bubble was even more fun when:

1) you use it indoors and don't freeze your fingers off trying to write something and
2) when you use it as a communication tool!

Helmut started it all with this:

because I asked him to get the chalk bubble from the van! And that kicked it off for the evening!

We decided that the chalkboard would be the best marriage tool ever! You could write whatever you wanted, without fear of repercussion and it was HILARIOUS! I really think we could have entire conversations with these things!

Helmut and Nichole are behind that statement.

Brad and I disagree.

It can be used to convey promises. (By the way, Brad is THE MAN, because he delivered on this promise...on his BIRTHDAY no less!)

It can be used like Twitter when your Wi-Fi signal drops.

It can be used over and over to emphasize your message.

or to keep a running tally on your drinks for the evening. 

Thanks for the great evening guys and for helping to perfect the use of the greatest marriage tool ever!



Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

How fun! I just got a talk bubble myself!!!! Can't wait to use it. I'm in shimelle's true stories class with you!!!! xoxo

Stephanie said...

OK, seriously I love that chalk board! I need one! lol

lesli said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalkboard bubble idea! SO creative and so fun! Listen, I wanted to share with you a tool that has really helped our marriage recently. which is a program that consists of Marriage Research, Awareness, Feedback Materials, & an Efficient Process. Zoe helps you see your relationship more clearly so that you are aware of issues earlier and can resolve them sooner in your relationship. Zoe is a unique research-based approach to help you prepare for your marriage. Definitely proven to help prevent divorce with willing couples, & it's helped us tremendously. I believe in Zoe & it's worth the time to go check out. Thanks again.