Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 8th, 2010

Every year.  Every single year, our gingerbread house decorating goes awry.  Here's last year's decorating day. And this year, was, well, almost as interesting (and almost as much fun!)

Next year, I'm doing this!  It's a fantastic idea, if only I'd seen it before this year's disaster.

We started out again, with an E-Z build box kit.  I don't know why I don't ever remember that these kits really don't work.

It looks good, right?  Sadly.  It didn't stay that way!

Still looks okay...just wait though...

I believe this was Declan's addition to the house.  So cute!

Eating the candy was Khai's favourite thing to do!

Justin took a break from studying to help us accomplish this...masterpiece!

A typical "Brett" face!

He clung quite tightly to those candies!

I always feel the need to do a group shot!

I'm sorry to say, it was my idea to put a Tech Deck (with the wheel part taken off) on the roof and have a little guy snowboarding down it.  It was originally supposed to be a Lego guy, but Khai couldn't find his ONE lego guy, so we used a gingerbread man instead.  It was inspired by Khai's "Hopes and Dreams" assignment at school.  He said this year he wanted to snowboard off of our roof!

Justin helping to re-adhere the roof.  It didn't work.

Declan holding up the "little guy". 

Still holding.

Brett trying to cement him into place with icing. 

It didn't work.

And, because they ate the rest of the candy, we could only decorate one half of the roof.  Yeah.  Next year, I'm doing this.

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