Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 5th, 2010

Sometimes I forget that "real life" continues on, even during the preparations leading up to Christmas.  Yesterday and today, Khai was participating in a hockey tournament in St. Andrews.  I forgot my camera, so I don't actually have any photo evidence of this, but trust me: it happened!
Exhaustion happened too.  These regular, every day things seem to take so much more energy when we are in the midst of December stuff. 

I sometimes worry that with Declan's birthday falling on December 6th, that he will  not want to do anything Christmas-y until his birthday is over with.  I hope he will always know that his birthday is a BIG deal to all of us.  This year, he told me that the Christmas tree was "mine tree.  for my birfday."  I almost want to decorate it as a birthday tree until his birthday and then redecorate it for Christmas after that next year.  Helmut will love that idea.

Today was Declan's family party.  That's 21 people in our home for dinner.  Declan doesn't like a lot of people around at the same time. (I sometimes wonder if he would do better in a home daycare with less people.) But other than hiding out in his room for a bit, he did remarkably well.

I want to remember that when I told you who a gift was from, you tried to give it back to them. 


I want to remember that you were very thankful and gave everyone big hugs when I told you who your gifts were from.

I want to remember that you found the Thomas that came with your cake and carried it around all afternoon.

I want to remember that you were so excited to get pop (wrapped Justin style) and that you had to put all of the quarters in your pocket. 

I want to remember and enjoy every moment of you being three.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to your boy!!

Cynthia said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Declan!